7 min

How did we convert the Tracktor site by 19%

In this episode, I am sharing with you our strategy and the implementations that allowed us to increase conversion by 19% Qualified traffic → Tracktor site quote

1. Background

August 2023, Tracktor decided to take advantage of the calm of the activity (due to seasonality) and to call on The Webflow Gemeos agency to operate a CRO mission on their site.

As a reminder, the mission of Tracktor It is to facilitate the daily life of professionals with recurring equipment rental needs

  • Request for quotation & rental
  • Management of its rentals (centralization)
  • Simplified accounting
  • Premium features (management by site, multi-user...)


To allow them to free up time and focus on tasks with high added value.

2. Audit of the existing

The site had a global approach, seeking to address different audiences such as artisans, SMEs and majors.

Between a Marketplace and SaaS orientation, it was essential to clarify their value proposition so that their prospects could recognize each other more.

A UX (user experience) and a copy (site content) not adapted to the buying process of prospects

3. Objective

Do a lot of CRO work to increase the conversion rate (qualified traffic → quote)

Nothing more, nothing less

In particular by:

  • Adapting the value proposition and the copy to ICP Artisan
  • Improving UX
  • Affirming the positioning of marketplace

I will go into each of these aspects in greater detail below.

4. Implementations

Below, I'm thrilled to show you the adjustments we made, which contributed to a 19% improvement in conversion.

The mission lasted 2 weeks between research, design, and integration.




1. Addition of an explanatory video of the service

Video is the best way to get a message across, it allows us to:

a. Explain who we are and what we do
b. Setting the value proposition
c. Illustrate what we say
D. Add a human dimension
e. Integrate social proof

All these elements allow us to push the prospect to convert.

2. Add a search

Any marketplace worth its salt uses a search

It makes it possible to drastically reduce the “time-to-value”.

This allows prospects to directly find and access the product they need, rather than browsing the entire catalog looking for what they want.

3. Rewriting the value proposition

We put less emphasis on tech and long-term time savings - SaaS vision

We focus on availability, price and quality of service - Marketplace vision (transactional)

4. Move up the hardware section

In the same way as the search function, this makes it possible to quickly show prospects what they came to Tracktor for (time-to-value).

Arriving on the homepage, we now immediately understand that we are on an equipment rental marketplace.

We are no longer lost with a product approach and a “Start now” CTA rather used in SaaS and a Product Marketing strategy.





Product pages are now the pages generating the most qualified traffic for Tracktor:

  • Landing pages for all Ads campaigns (+15k sessions per month)
  • Redirect pages for all transactional keywords (type: location {hardware)

It was therefore a big challenge to rework this page to adapt it to the customer journey.


  1. Reducing the banner to show as much equipment as possible above the waterline (especially on mobile)
  1. We only show the necessary information, we reuse the presentation video and we add the value proposition on mobile (the right banner on desktop is hidden by default on mobile).
  2. Addition of value proposition and reinsurance. The majority of people arriving on this page do not know Tracktor, they must be supported in their decision-making process with:
    • An adapted and clear value proposition
  • A how it works to show them how easy it is
  • An FAQ to counter objections and answer frequently asked questions
  1. Work on the UX of product cards

    a. Addition of an energy label to support the prospect in his choice

b. Addition of the main characteristics in the winter.

c. Addition of labels such as “top location”, “compact”, “other”, to encourage the prospect to take action.

  1. Replace our calls to actions with calls to benefits.

We went from a CTA = “View the item” to a CTA = “Get a quote”





  1. Use of an e-commerce layout for:

    a. Encourage action

    E-commerce layouts are designed to push the user to perform an action, whether it is a purchase, a registration or other. By adopting this approach, we can guide prospects to specific action.

    b. Confer a professional look

    An e-commerce layout is often perceived as representative of professional and well-designed websites. By using it, we reinforce the professional image.
  1. Separate transaction information and hardware information

By separating product-related items on the left and transactional items on the right, we prioritize information.

This allows:

a. Prospects can easily find their way around.

b. To use a “sticky” position on the transaction block and thus to display the calls to actions while the prospects are browsing.

  1. Give less importance to the image of the article

Especially on mobile in order to free up space to display the value proposition and characteristics above the waterline.

Unlike an e-commerce site for the purchase of a product whose appearance plays a key role in the conversion (e.g. clothing), for renting equipment, the photo is really not important.

5. Results

+ 18.8% on the conversion rate 🚀
Photo de l'auteur
Sandro D.
Updated on
Growth Marketer, Webflow expert and a jack of all trades. I take care of commercial operations, ensure the smooth running of projects and take care of issues related to marketing (SEO, Tracking, Copywriting, etc.)
How did we convert the Tracktor site by 19%
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