
Enrich company data based on the SIREN number

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Table of contents

Explanatory video

1. Create your page template in Webflow

Remember to add a “Text Field” allowing you to insert a SIREN number. I advise you to retrieve all the information in a form so that you can easily send it to your CRM or other DB when the prospect validates their information.

Of course you can, and I advise you, to set fields to “display - none” in order not to display them to prospects. Especially the enriched fields

Interface Webflow

2. Add “custom attributes” to the elements you want to use in Wized

Remember to use “wized” in Name and you are free to choose the name you want in Value

For example I used:

  • SirenInput
  • Accountname
  • NAF
  • address

3. Connect your Webflow account to Wized

Go on Wized and create a new project. Add the link to your webflow site (the “” link) and add the custom code in the footer of your project.

Connexion Wized

4. Connect to the Siren API

  1. Go to “App”
  2. New App
  3. Give it a name and select Rest API as the App
  4. Fill in the Base url “”

5. Get the data

  1. Go to “Data in”
  2. Select the App you just created
  3. Enter the Url endpoint (/v3/unites_legales/) and add the input field corresponding to the SIREN number as a variable
  1. Add your API key as a URL parameter

6. Create the action to recover the SIREN

  1. Go to Action
  2. Select the attribute of your SIREN input field in “Apply to”
  3. Select”We are changing” in the Setting in the “Configuration” tab and”Perform Request” for Action by selecting the Data in that you configured just before for “Request”

7. Enrich the fields of your form based on the SIREN entered

  1. Go to Action
  2. Select the attribute of the input field you want to fill in
  3. Select”Set input value” in the Setting on the “Configuration” tab and select from the results the value you are interested in
  4. Same process for the other fields you want to enrich

8. Conclusion

As you can see, it is relatively simple to enrich business data based on SIREN with the SIREN + Wized API.

Interesting practical cases?

  • Apply scoring to your prospects based on various criteria such as the NAF code, the area of activity, the year the company was created, and adapt your commercial pressure
  • Increase the conversion rate of your qualification forms (a field allows you to enrich a panel of data)

Photo de l'auteur
Sandro D.
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Growth Marketer, Webflow expert and a jack of all trades. I take care of commercial operations, ensure the smooth running of projects and take care of issues related to marketing (SEO, Tracking, Copywriting, etc.)
Gemeos Academy
Enrich company data based on the SIREN number
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