
Add a “Share by email” link in Webflow

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Adding a “Share by email” button on a website offers several advantages:

  1. Facilitates sharing : The “Share by email” button allows users to easily share site content with friends, family, or colleagues via their inbox. This can be useful for disseminating important or interesting information.
  2. Extend the reach : Email remains a very widespread means of communication, even in the age of social networks. By adding this sharing option, you are allowing your content to reach a wider audience that may not be active on social media.

Here's how to do it!

1. Add a trigger to your page

You can use any element (Div, Link, etc.).

Webflow Tutoriel Email

2. Add the “email” id to it

Webflow Email ID Tutoriel

3. Add this custom code

You can add it before <body>in your page or add an embed directly into your element.

// Fonction pour ouvrir un nouveau mail avec le lien de la page actuelle
function ouvrirNouveauMail() {
// Récupérer l'URL de la page actuelle
var url = window.location.href;`

`// Encodage de l'URL pour le corps du texte du mail
var encodedUrl = encodeURIComponent(url);`

`// Création du lien mailto avec le corps du texte
var mailtoLink = "mailto:?body=" + encodedUrl;`

`// Ouvrir un nouvel onglet avec le lien mailto;

`// Ajouter un écouteur d'événement au clic sur la div avec l'id "mail"
var mailDiv = document.getElementById("mail");
mailDiv.addEventListener("click", ouvrirNouveauMail);

4. Publish and test the result

Exemple tutoriel Webflow
Photo de l'auteur
Sandro D.
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Updated on
Growth Marketer, Webflow expert and a jack of all trades. I take care of commercial operations, ensure the smooth running of projects and take care of issues related to marketing (SEO, Tracking, Copywriting, etc.)
Gemeos Academy
Add a “Share by email” link in Webflow
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